2025 January
We are thrilled to announce that Chang & Co. has been honored with the Gold Award in the Pro Bono and Community Work Recognition Programme 2024, presented by the Law Society of Hong Kong. This prestigious accolade reflects our unwavering commitment to serving the community and providing legal assistance to those in need.
We extend our heartfelt congratulations to our partner, Henry Chang, who has earned the Gold Award for the third consecutive year. Additionally, we would like to recognize Kel Lei, another invaluable partner at our firm, whose contributions have played a significant role in achieving the Gold Award of our firm. Kel has also been awarded the Bronze Award for his commendable efforts in community service.
Together, our team remains committed to making a positive impact in our community through our ongoing pro bono initiatives. Thank you for your continued support as we strive to make a difference.

2024 December
We are thrilled to share the excellent news that our partner, Mr. Henry Chang, has been appointed as the Chairman of the Appeal Tribunal Panel, Buildings Ordinance (Chapter 123 of the Laws of Hong Kong) by the Development Bureau of the Government of Hong Kong.
This significant role, a remarkable opportunity to contribute to our community. Mr. Chang is deeply honored by this appointment.

2024 September
Our Principal Lawyer, Henry Chang, has been appointed by the Judiciary as the Member of the Panel of Adjudicators of the Obscene Articles Tribunal with effect from 17 September 2024 for a term of three years. Members of the panel of adjudicators are appointed by the Chief Justice.

2024 March
Chang & Co. has been awarded the Caring Company logo by The Hong Kong Council of Social Service in recognition of our commitment to Caring for the Community, Caring for the Employees, and Caring for the Environment, in particular through pro bono work and supporting charitable causes and community projects.
Launched by The Hong Kong Council of Social Service in 2002, the Caring Company Scheme aims to foster strategic partnerships between the business and social services sectors to promote good corporate citizenship and create a more inclusive society. Logos are awarded each year to recognize organizations with outstanding involvement in corporate social responsibility programmes.

2024 February
Our Principal Lawyer, Henry Chang, was honored to receive the appreciation letter from Duty Lawyer Service for being a volunteer who actively participated in Free Legal Advice Scheme again this year.
The Free Legal Advice Scheme provides preliminary one-off legal advice to members of the public as to their legal position in genuine cases. The objective of the Scheme is to enable members of the public having genuine legal problems to have preliminary advice as to their legal position.

2024 January
Our Principal Lawyer, Henry Chang and CHANG & CO. were awarded the Gold and Silver Awards respectively in the Pro Bono and Community Work Recognition Programme 2023 by the Law Society of Hong Kong in recognition of our pro bono and community service.
We are most grateful to have received the awards again this year. We will continue to strive to serve the public by offering assistance to anyone in need of professional legal advice in society.

2024 January
Our Principal Lawyer, Henry Chang, has been honored with the Excellence Gold Award (500 Volunteer hours or above) by the Hong Kong Volunteer Award, a recognition co-organized by the Home and Youth Affairs Bureau of the Government of the HKSAR and the Agency for Volunteer Service. This esteemed award acknowledges his dedicated service and outstanding contribution to the promotion of volunteerism.
Henry is not only thrilled to have received the award, but also deeply passionate about his volunteer work. He is committed to continuing his efforts to care for the underprivileged and promote the spirit of volunteerism, with the ultimate goal of building a caring and inclusive society.

2023 April
Our Principal Lawyer, Henry Chang, has been appointed by the Housing Bureau of the Government of the HKSAR as the Member of the Appeal Panel (Housing) with effect from 1 April 2023 for a term of two years.

2023 April
Our Principal Lawyer, Henry Chang, was honored to once again to receive the recognition for his Pro Bono Legal Services from the Chief Secretary for Administration.

2023 January
Our Principal Lawyer, Henry Chang and CHANG & Co., were awarded the Gold and Silver Awards respectively in the 2022 Pro Bono Community Work Recognition Programme by the Law Society of Hong Kong in recognition of our pro bono and community service.
Undoubtedly, we incredibly thankful for this. Not only has it given us recognition in serving the community, but it has also fueled us with determination and passion in providing our services to all kinds of people that need professional advice in legal matters. We strive to aid anyone who is struggling to receive quality legal service.

2022 October
We are very excited and honored to announce Kel Lei joining CHANG & CO. as Consultant.
Kel’s practice focuses on civil litigation and dispute resolution, with particular experience in commercial litigation, securities and regulatory matters, company law, insolvency, personal injuries, insurance, matrimonial and family matters, trust and probate, injunctive relief and civil fraud. Read more about him here.

2022 September
Students are currently required to take a COVID-19 rapid antigen test before going to school every day, and the purchase of test kits puts a strain on the economy of low-income families.
In view of this, Rotary Club of Queensway collected test kits and then donates them to families in need through the school. As one of the co-organizers, CHANG & CO. not only donated test kits, but also provided a local collection point for materials, helping low-income families and society to fight the epidemic.

2022 June
CHANG & CO. is honored to be the strategic partner of 第一屆香港街頭藝術新秀歌唱大賽 and to provide pro bono legal advice to Hong Kong Busking Association (HKBA).
HKBA focuses on promoting busking performance and aims to gather people who are passionate in busking. The level of the contestants was really high. Congratulations to all the winners and looking forward to their future performances.
Buskers in Hong Kong also face different difficulties, including a lack of performance venues, lack of funding and equipment, and frequent evictions for busking. Having said that, art in Hong Kong is more accessible and dynamic than ever. Art can now take place at more diverse venues or through innovative media. We wish to be part of that to bring some positive changes and will continue to support the HKBA.
Learn more about HKBA at https://hkbusking.org

Phase 10 “Legal Pioneer” Mentorship Programme
Our Principal Lawyer Henry Chang shared their insights with the participants on the topic of “Legal issues related to becoming a KOL”