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Civil Celebrant of marriages/Wedding

Choosing the Right Civil Celebrant for Your Special Day
Our civil celebrants, appointed by the Registrar of Marriages under the Marriage Ordinance, offer a service that puts you in control. You can choose the time and venue of your marriage, and we are flexible to accommodate your arrangements. Whether you prefer our law firm, hotels, restaurants, or even theme parks, the choice is entirely yours.
Our civil celebrants can sign the marriage certificate, which has the same legal effect as a marriage certificate issued by the Marriage Registries of the Hong Kong Government and can be used in all countries around the globe. For couples residing in the Mainland or overseas, we offer a convenient service. We can help in preparing the Notice of Intended Marriage (NOIM) before your arrival in Hong Kong, ensuring a smooth and efficient marriage registration process.
Meet our team of dedicated Civil Celebrants of Marriages:
Our services:
Prepare a notice of intended marriage, administer oaths, and certify documents
Submit the notice of intended marriage to the Marriage Registry
Collect the Marriage Registrar’s Certificate on your behalf
Prepare marriage certificate
Prepare wedding vows
Arrive the wedding venue about 10 minutes before the start of the ceremony
Provide gorgeous ring pillow, quill, and certificate set for the ceremony
Officiate the wedding as a marriage celebrant (approximately 15 minutes); additional fees apply for bilingual ceremony
Submit relevant documents to the marriage registration office after the wedding
Marriage consulting services
Drafting and witnessing the signatory of pre-and post-nuptial agreements (additional charges apply)

Our service charges:
Register marriage at law firm: HK$1,880 up
Other locations: HK$3,080 up
*Plus HK$305 Government fee
*Complimentary use of ring pillow, quill, and certificate set during the ceremony
*Couples can also use bridal bouquets, mobile phone photography tripods, and photography props to register marriage at our law firm.
Charges of drafting and witnessing the signatory of pre-and post-nuptial agreements are negotiable

Useful Information:
1. Information and Documents Required to Register Marriage in Hong Kong
2. Hong Kong Marriage Registration Procedures (Sign a Notice of Intended Marriage in Hong Kong)
3. Hong Kong Marriage Registration Procedures (Give a Notice of Intended Marriage from Mainland China/ Overseas)
4. Replacement of Decree absolute/ Divorce Order/ Divorce certificate
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